1. How much do you think that the disease is disturbing your dog’s quality of life?

0. (  ) very much

1. (  ) much

2. (  ) a little

3. (  ) not at all

2. Does your dog still do what it likes (eg, play or go for a walk)?

0. (  ) no

1. (  ) rarely

2. (  ) frequently

3. (  ) in a normal way

3. How is your dog’s mood?

0. (  ) totally altered

1. (  ) some episodes of alteration

2. (  ) changed a little bit

3. (  ) normal

4. Does your dog keep its hygienic habits (ie, does your dog clean itself)?

0. (  ) no

1. (  ) rarely

2. (  ) less than before

3. (  ) yes

5. How often do you think that your dog feels pain?

0. (  )  all the time

1. (  ) frequently

2. (  ) rarely

3. (  ) never

6. Does your dog have an appetite?

0. (  ) no

1. (  ) only eats when forced; will eat more of what it likes

2. (  ) little

3. (  ) normal

7. Does your dog get tired easily?

0. (  ) yes, always

1. (  ) frequently

2. (  ) rarely

3. (  ) no

8. How is your dog sleeping?

0. (  ) very badly; not sleeping at all

1. (  ) badly

2. (  ) almost normally

3. (  ) normally

9. How often does your dog vomit?

0. (  ) always 

1. (  ) frequently

2. (  ) rarely

3. (  ) never

10. How are the intestines of your dog functioning?

0. (  ) very badly

1. (  ) badly

2. (  ) almost normally

3. (  ) normally

11. Is your dog able to position itself to defecate and urinate?

0. (  ) never positions itself to urinate or defecate

1. (  ) rarely positions itself to urinate or defecate

2. (  ) sometimes positions itself to urinate or defecate

3. (  ) urinates and defecates normally

12. How much attention is your dog giving to the family?

0. (  ) indifferent

1. (  ) little attention

2. (  ) increased attention; the dog is needy

3. (  ) has not changed

Scores are summed to define the quality-of-life score. Total scores may range from 0 to 36. 

The mean score for healthy dogs is 34 ± 3 (minimum 27 and maximum 36). The mean score for dogs with cancer is 21 ± 5 (minimum 12 and maximum 29).