Term of General Conditions of Use

The features of the website animalpain.org are provided by the Animal Pain Group, originated from the project “Pain and Quality of Life in Animals”, developed at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ) of Unesp, Botucatu campus (SP), led by Professor Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna, and his research group and collaborators, with support from ZOETIS, FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq, Bioethicus Institute and Anima Institute. The content of the site is the author’s responsibility and does not necessarily reflect the views of the aforementioned institutions.

Professor Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna is the owner of the intellectual property on the website, applications, content, and other related assets.



The Animal Pain Group aims to license the use of its website and other intellectual property assets, providing tools, which aim to identify pain in animals through valid and reliable pain scales, to inform about the need for analgesic treatment and alleviate animal suffering.



The present Term establishes obligations contracted of free will, for an indefinite period, between the website and the user.

When using the website, the user fully accepts these rules and undertakes to observe them, at the risk of application of the appropriate penalties.

Acceptance of the present instrument is essential for accessing and using any services provided by the Animal Pain Group. If you do not agree with the provisions of this instrument, you, the user must not utilize them.



This website can be accessed free of charge in its entirety and in all its content. All data entered on this website are prepared directly by Animal Pain, or by the researchers collaborating on the project.

The user is not permitted to access the source code of the website, its database, or any other set of internal information. Whoever does so will be subject to the penalties provided for in the governing criminal and civil legislation in Brazil.

The user is not permitted to alter, modify, falsify, or hide his/her IP number while accessing the website, as well as submitting content to the website that contains malicious programs. In case of non-compliance, your registration and access may be suspended or deleted.

All technical solutions available to the person responsible for the website will be used to permit access to the service. However, navigation may be interrupted, limited or suspended for updates, modifications, or any action necessary for its proper functioning.

There is a need to complete a form in order to access the pain scales in animals.



Access to the website features will require the completion of a form when accessing the animal pain scale.

When registering, the user must provide complete, recent, and valid data, and the user is committed to the veracity of the data provided.

Minors under the age of 18 and those who do not have full civil capacity must previously obtain the express consent of their legal guardians to use the website and the services; it is their sole responsibility for any access by minors and those who do not have full civil capacity without prior authorization.

Upon completing the registration, the user expressly declares and guarantees that he/she is fully capable, being able to freely use and enjoy the services.

The user must provide a valid e-mail address, through which the website will carry out all necessary communications.

The user, by accepting the Terms and Privacy Notice, expressly authorizes the website to collect, use, store, process, assign, or utilize the information derived from the use of the services, including all the information completed, in addition to others expressly described in the Notice of Privacy that must be authorized by the holder.



In case of any doubt, suggestion, or problem with the use of the website, the user may contact support via the email contato@animalpain.org.



It is the responsibility of the user:

a) technical faults or defects originated in the user’s own system;

b) the correct use of the website, the services offered, valuing good coexistence, respect, and cordiality;

c) for compliance with and respect for the set of rules set out in this General Terms of Use, in the respective Privacy Notice and in national and international legislation;

d) for the protection of access data;

It is the responsibility of the Animal Pain website:

a) indicate the characteristics of the service (diagnostic scales of pain in animals);

b) the faults and defects found in the service offered as long as the websitehas caused it;

c) the information that has been disclosed by the website, and the comments or information disclosed by users are the sole responsibility of the users themselves;

d) the contents practiced through its website.

The website is not responsible for external links contained in its system that may redirect the user to an environment external to its network, as well as in fortuitous or force majeure events, including, but not limited to, power outages, “malware” attacks, and actions of third parties that prevent its availability, such as the removal of the website by the respective controller of the hosting platform.



The website structure, brands, logos, trade names, layouts, graphics and interface design, images, illustrations, photographs, presentations, videos, written and sound and audio content, computer programs, database, broadcast files and any other information and intellectual property rights of Animal Pain, subject to the terms of the Industrial Property Law (Law no. 9.279/96), Copyright Law (Law no. 9.610/98), Software Law (Law no. 9.609/98), and the General Data Protection Regulation– GDPR (General Regulation of European Data Protection) – where applicable – are duly reserved.

This General Terms and Conditions of Use does not assign or transfer any rights to the user, so access does not generate any intellectual property rights to the user.

The material available on the website may be utilized by users as long as the citation of the sources and their credits are protected.

In case of irregular use, the acts will constitute a violation of the Animal Pain Group’s intellectual property rights, punishable under the applicable legislation.

All content on the website may be utilized for the user’s personal use, as long as the source is cited. It is expressly prohibited to alter, plagiarize, sell or distribute, for commercial purposes, in whole or in part, any content published without the prior and formal authorization of the Animal Pain Group.

If the content is used for publication on other websites, the authors must refer to the original content by means of a hyperlink, citing it as the source of the new publication.



Without prejudice to other applicable legal measures, the Animal Pain Group may, at any time, warn, suspend, or cancel the user’s access, regardless of notification:

a) that violates any provision of the present Term;

b) that breaches the duties of the user;

c) that has any fraudulent, willful behavior or that offends third parties.



The items described in this instrument may be altered, unilaterally and at any time, by the Animal Pain Group, to adapt or modify the services, as well as to meet new legal requirements. The alterations will be posted by animalpain.org and the user will be able to choose to accept the new content or to cancel the use of the services.

The services offered may, at any time and unilaterally, and without any prior notice, be interrupted, altered in their characteristics, as well as restricted for use or access.



In addition to this Term, the user must consent to the provisions contained in the respective Privacy Notice presented to all interested parties within the website interface.



This Policy will be governed, interpreted, and executed in accordance with the Laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especially Federal Law no. 13,709/2018, with the jurisdiction of the domicile of the Animal Pain Group, in Botucatu – São Paulo.


Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, November 1, 2021.