Cavalo EquiSed – Vídeo 06 EN
CCaavvaalloo EEqquuiiSSeedd  VVííddeeoo 0066 EENN

Cavalo EquiSed – Vídeo 06 EN

After watching the test video, score the corresponding behaviors and see your results. You are able to use the scale when your scores are up to 20% higher or lower than the template scores in at least three tests.


1. Touch the ear (touch inside the ears with blunt tipped material for three seconds)

2. Press the coronary band of thoracic limb (apply strong pressure for three seconds with blunt tipped material on the coronary band of thoracic limb)

3. Press the coronary band of pelvic limb (apply strong pressure for three seconds with blunt tipped material on the coronary band of pelvic limb)

4. Postural instability (observe the stationary animal and then forcefully push it laterally)

5. Auditory response (to loud hand clap behind the animal)

6. Visual response (to opening an umbrella in front of the animal)